The Parkside School actively integrates multi-media technology into our educational program where it provides both teachers and students with tools to facilitate instruction, learning and exploration.
Every teaching room is equipped with iPads, Apple TVs and Smart Boards, which are used daily for lessons. Our Computer Lab is fully equipped with computers, peripherals and video equipment to enable full class participation. All students are encouraged to use video and audio tools for selected assignments, storytelling and collaborative projects. Computers may be used for email, coding and problem solving applications.
Access to the Internet provides students a portal into a world of educational information and a diversity of the experiences beyond the walls of Parkside. As students get older, particular attention is paid to connecting with the content being taught in Social Studies and Science.
As students use technology tools to help them better understand everything from real world cultural diversity to abstract concepts such as space & time, they learn best practices together in a climate of socializing and shared discovery.
“When I think back to the early days I could hardly imagine that or son would become the able young boy that he is today. We continue to be thrilled with each accomplishment and now know his future is bright and filled with promise. ”